Obituary of Barnitz

Below is the obituary of Barnitz, along with a funeral card from Barnitz's funeral. I received this information in June 15, 1994, from the Harvard University Archives, James McCarthy, Curatorial Assistant. This same funeral card and obituary are likewise enclosed in the book 13 of the BOJ in the Beinecke Archives, Yale, apparently pasted into the endpapers of their annotated copy. — Gavin Callaghan

David Park Barnitz was born In Wheeling, West Virginia, June 24, 1878, and in Infancy consecrated to God in Holy Baptism. In 1882 the family moved to Des Moines, Iowa, and as a youth he attended the public schools of the city. At the age of fifteen he entered Midland College of the Lutheran church at Atchison, Kansas, and soon developed more than ordinary talent In the line of language and literature. These were his specialties. During several months of his senior year at Midland he studied Sanskrit and other languages with Dr. Carl M. Belser, of Colorado University, at Boulder. Colorado. In 1897 he graduated at Midland, and a few months later entered Harvard University, where he received the degree of A B. In 1898 and the degree of A. M. In 1899 While at Harvard University he was made a member of the American Oriental Society; his name being suggested by Prof. Lanman and was the youngest person ever admitted. He has been at home, since leaving Harvard, doing literary work, and last year published a volume of poems, anonymously, which was spoken of as of unusual poetic merit. A second edition was about to be Issued at the time of his death, which the publishers desired should be an autograph edition.

Young Mr. Barnitz has been affected with enlargement of the heart, but the family had no idea of his condition being serious. He has been unusually well this autumn, up to last Saturday night when he complained of severe pain. Tuesday he was much better and Wednesday feeling so well that he told his mother to accompany Dr. Barnitz to the synod and missionary convention at Iowa City. Wednesday evening he read for several hours, and Thursday breakfasted and lunched with his sisters, seemingly quite better. After lunch he decided to rest, but after reaching the second story fell and in an instant life was extinct. Medical aid was summoned at once, but to no avail.

Mr. Barnitz was very reticent, went Into company but little, but was a daily prominent figure at the libraries. He detested shams of every kind, and in some of his criticisms would have been regarded severe. His tall, erect presence will be missed at the libraries and on the streets. Mr. Barnitz was devoted to his parents, sisters and brother, and was what is often termed a home boy. The family are bowed down with grief, but know the source of comfort.

The funeral took place from his home on Eighteenth Street, Tuesday afternoon. Rev. John A. Wirt, D. D. , of St. John's Lutheran Church, pastor of the family, conducted the services, assisted by Hev. Lulher P. Ludden. A. M. , of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lincoln, Nebraska, a devoted friend. The pallbearers were: Lawrence Byers, William Malsh, Charles Wright, W. C. Craig, Fred K Kauffman and Krauth Wltmer. The music was In charge of the choir of St. John's Lutheran Church — Misses Witmer, Weaver and Wright, and Messrs, Kauffman and Craig. The rendering of the chants and hymns was very beautiful, clear and effective. Everything was plain and simple In taste; display and ostentation being scrupulously avoided. The deceased was dressed In the student's gown of the degree of A. M. , the cap being by his side. Vases of autumn leaves, of which he was very fond, were placed about the parlor, and a bunch of chrysanthemums on the lid of the plain, cloth-covered casket. The service was that of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, rendered In full. There was no sermon or address. The interment was private, an hour after the public services —{Composite from Des Moines, larva, Dailies, and Lutheran Church Papers}

funeral card from Barnitz's funeral

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